Popeye’s girlfriend is named Olive Oyl!
Olive Oyl is a fictional character created by cartoonist E.C. Segar. She was originally published in 1929 in the comic strip Thimble Theatre.
Her popularity grew over time and she eventually became a mascot for the Popeye’s brand.
And yes, It’s spelled “Oyl,” not Olive Oil.
Was Olive Oyl and Popeye married?
Yes, they were married. They got married at City Hall on July 4th in 1933.
Is Sweet Pea Olive Oyl’s baby? Yes, she is.
Sweet Pea Olive Oyl is the daughter of Popeye and Olive Oyl.
Where does Olive Oyl’s character come from? More info!
Segar’s newspaper strip characters also included a number of her relatives who were named after different types of oils, including her brother named Castor Oil, her mother named Nana Oil, her father named Cole Oil, and her estranged wife named Cylinda Oil.
That’s a lot of oils!
Olive oil also appeared in the 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, as well as the 1980s musical featuring Popeye. In the musical, olive oil is portrayed by Shelley Duvall, with Robin Williams appearing as Popeye.
And no, olive oil is different than Betty Boop.